Five weeks since lock-down– Time has passed very quickly. I hope everyone is keeping well. Our sympathies lie with those who have to cope with financial uncertainties. Each of us has his or her own challenges. Students are adapting to a less programmed life and parents have many roles to fill and this is not easy.
At a spiritual level, we have been thrown into a new reality. We might think, this is not normal. Yet this is where we are and we are called to live this, ‘present moment.’ Perhaps we will become more sympathetic to those whose world has been turned upside down by wars and natural disasters. During this time we can learn a lot about life. For some, it will be a precious time to reflect and rebuild old relationships. It is inspirational to see children out walking and cycling with parents, just relaxing and having some fun. Hopefully, as the weather improves and we can come out more with the easing of guidelines for safety, things will get better and better.
Sport –Sport has a special place in many people’s lives. Here again routine training sessions have been disrupted. Still there are many ways to remain fit in mind and body. The creative ability within every person comes to the fore in times of stress. Such times help us to sift through our values and rediscover what is really important and what endures. As time goes by, no doubt there will be new ways to become involved once more in team togetherness.
Streaming Religious Services: Many parishes are streaming daily and weekend Masses and funerals. This is proving to open up new possibilities and gives safe access to liturgy in current circumstances. I am indebted to those who are making it possible for us also to avail of such technology. Fortunately, we have not had to make many adjustments yet. Our humble efforts so far have been well received. Perhaps in the future we will rise to ever better quality audio/video quality.
Finances: Parishes are now suffering financially like other institutions. Perhaps parishioners could consider alternative ways of making contributions such as by Standing Order, or by an annual cheque. We are fortunate in not having a salaried team of parish workers such as is the case in some of the urban parishes. Nevertheless our usual weekly intake through offertory collections and envelopes has obviously dropped off.
Meath Partnership have a team of employment support coaches working remotely to support jobseekers to access the DEASP COVID-19 payments; complete the online forms; advise on elated entitlements, support people to navigate and write CV’s . To refer a person to this support please contact any of the following: Martina McCabe: 085 8342378; email: [email protected] Patricia Lynch: 089 4366800; email [email protected] Caoimhe Donnellan: 087 6693031; email [email protected]
Thanks- I wish to thank all those who have offered gestures of help in different ways. It is encouraging and I am grateful. As we continue to deal with this pandemic let us continue in solidarity, not forgetting to be united in prayer. We keep vigilant as we observe the protocols for personal and mutual safety and as we look out for one another.
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